Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Women Already Have More Power With God Than Men Ever Will

We know from temple endowments women hold priesthood without ordination. How so? By their being women in the first place. The answer is obvious.  It is a preset inherent part and parcel of being a women. God creates by the word of his power. Women have it within themselves to create and bring forth life. God enlightens our minds by the power of his Spirit and mothers nurture children to grow up without sin unto salvation. Without that sort of administration by a committed and purposeful motherhood there could never be a thousand years of peace.

Seems women have been juked out of position and psyched out by the jealousy and envy of men. A Reformation of the priestly duties of women to nurture true saints of the Most High God is incumbent upon the mothers of Zion. Well, there is no Zion, right? And neither indeed can there ever be until women magnify their calling and office in rearing godly children. Not excellence but righeousness.

It was given that men rule over women. Yeah, okay. So? Let them organize themselves to kingdom come and rule over all things to hell and back. Until they lead by example to show women how to exercise the rights and duties of mothers to raise up a righteous generation the world shall be forever doomed. Men must prove themselves worthy by valiance in obtaining and keeping the gospel covenant before they should rightly obtain a priesthood in righteousness. Women do not have to qualify a fig. But it would be lovely and wonderful if women suddenly rounded off their faith to bear off the kingdom of God triumphant. Men are not cutting it. Not by a long sight. Repent being a Gentile seeking the things of this world. Become the children of Abraham in the gospel promise of the Father and regeneration by power. A women with the gift and power of the Holy Ghost. Wow!

If the men start freaking out about the repentance of their women and excommunicate them fine, let them sin against the gospel and move on. What have they got so precious but the envy of those who want what they got. Huh? The kingdom is within you. That is where it will be found. Not out there somewhere but from when the still small voice draws you to come unto Christ and become his child by repentance and taking his name upon you with full purpose of heart. Forsaking the world. Can you?

I plead with women everywhere to honor the power within that you know is your duty and right. Hold forth in valiance regardless of how weak and imbecilic men have become, without faith nor knowledge sufficient to rightly order the Kingdom of God upon the earth. Men of callings have not taught the gospel of Christ unto salvation in any generation since the Restoration. It has not yet been found.  Joseph only hinted to it and never bore down upon the people a testimony that the Gentiles were ready to hear.

The Gospel of Zion is found in all scripture. That does not mean anyone is paying the slightest attention or skillfully learning how to apply it and obtain the promise of the Father in the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost. It is not happening. Zion is not happening. All is lost. Eh? Women do not baptize with water. But in coaching little ones to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, before all other considerations of life, women lead a generation to the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost. Tell me which is greater?

Let the women lead out to Zion. Please. Somebody! Get the gospel correctly with power for yourself and see to it that every child grows up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. There is no reason or promise as to why the Lord would protect and guard a people doing less. Some over-anxious groups are led by some claiming more than the gospel, but not teaching the gospel. Yeah, that makes sense.

Oh, yeah, I forgot. The LDS have lost the key of knowledge as to how to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness. It truly has yet to be attempted in our time. Everything in the world since the Restoration has been built up by the world to defeat the real gospel from ever taking hold. The tares have overcome the wheat. Until you get to the other side of things in this regard you have no idea how seriously the world hinders the power of the gospel from taking hold in the hearts of true saints. Silly me. So, I suppose I might write you a book: The Gospel of Zion for Dummies. If I do are you just going to ignore it?

Mormons rise up when the Prophet enters a room. But all men rise up when a lady enters a room.
Think about it. Why is apostasy always referred to as a whoredom? Because the women failed that generation. Better if great leaders could council women on their spiritual duties.  But if they don't, won't, and can't. What? God creates and nurtures. What is more godly than that?  A seat on a committee? Godly women do not need an ordinance to bless a child they brought forth to life.  Hello!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

My Testimony of The Gospel of Jesus Christ

I was raised LDS in a great ward that I truly appreciated, and bonded to as the members gave me the only validation available to me, since both my parents made no bones about their contempt for my existence. I truly suckled all the kindness possible from the eyes of my substitute fathers and mothers in that home ward in my earliest days. The wisdom in me to save my vulnerable soul in such a sly way must have been my first gift of God. I did the same with all my friend's moms. And they all knew something was up but never refused me the kind look I needed to see.

Something changed by my teen years. The ward became unwelcoming and accepting when I stopped attending. Because my companion called and asked me to go I still did home teaching with him.  I never refused to say prayers as a home teacher or with the family at dinner time. For whatever reason my senior companion stopped calling. He nor anyone from my ward ever in two years attempted to contact me or ask me what's up.

The two years or more that I was inactive were important as during all that time I refrained by default from partaking of the sacrament. Hence I was not partaking unworthily and the condemnation of the Father was lessened upon me, such, that what needed to happen soon in my life was made possible. This is a snare for hypocrisy. The gospel is not done right in disobedience. Of course I did not realize the significance of this at the time.

This very point is why Mormons who attempt to come unto Christ fail miserably. They are under condemnation already, while thinking they are faithful in keeping the commandments they thoughtlessly partake of the sacrament administered by an unwise leadership who do not themselves know how to discern between clean and unclean. Never judging as commanded between those whose names are to be taken and those who need to yet repent. The same with allowing all to enter the temple unworthily. None are taught how to become clean before the Lord. Arrogance and pride rule in their hearts trampling upon the Holy One of Israel, showing only contempt for his commandments. This is apostasy and the rule of the world.

Any kid who knows both parents hate him is dysfunctional on at least a few levels. I managed to sing and play bass guitar in a couple great bands back in the day. But at the same time those parts of me that failed seemed to matter most.

Growing up LDS I believed in God without any doubts, but could not imagine that I mattered in the least. I relegated my expectations to a terrestrial glory. Yeah, I remember thinking that. In an effort to find myself I left home immediately upon graduation from High School in 1969.

I lived briefly with Hippies in Boulder Colorado but could not indulge in their culture. When I made a decision to forsake them it was like forsaking my hope that the world at large had the answer for me. I barely noticed but the slightest spiritual confirmation inside me manifested a feeling of being loved as I walked away from those people and that truly amazed me. I thought myself utterly unworthy of God's love, because, if he loved me, I did not deserve being hated by my parents, and I had to protect them against fault, so I could love them regardless, just so love existed somehow. What a kid. I never stopped trying to get my parents to care. My most frustrating dysfunction was not accepting being loved especially by those I loved.  I could not relate to it and that was my biggest problem. This had to be fixed.

Within six months time while living alone in Los Angeles and  finally taking a month from ALL other considerations, I was drawn to come unto Christ with full purpose of heart. This was between me and God only. I was alone without any contact with the Church.  I walked every day down to the Santa Monica beach and back. Usually passing by the LA temple. It was about a sixteen mile round trip. All day each day I had only one thought in mind and that was seeking to earnestly repent and make myself acceptable to God.

With no expectation of it I was one night visited of God. That event manifests God's reality by the experience of an Almighty power that falls upon you, like from out of the blue, having no thought about it when it hits. It is the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost.  Interestingly enough I realized after praying just before this occurred that I had repented in the depths of humility with my whole soul and there was no more I could do.

This ratification of the gospel when done right makes you a new creature. Suddenly what was a weakness becomes a strength what was doubt or ignorance becomes a perfect knowledge. Having been made purposefully weak in so many was growing up the absolute contrast from that reality to the overall strength of heart, might and mind galvanized my soul beyond all question in proving God is true and will fulfill his promises. You are not given to know all about God, except that he is, and you have rights with him from then on. This is being raised to a state of righteousness. Rights with God. You have entered into his kingdom. God is now your teacher. There is no faking this. And God is a great teacher and patient and at times may knock you down to consider your ways.

That is my foundation. It is the rock of Christ. And it has stood the test of unbelievable persecution from everyone Mormon, my family, friends and church leaders. All were put off at my teaching this standard ever since. And throughout the last 44 years I have been added upon much much more than my fellows, as if peerless in my time. Not that I like it that way. Seems to be so anyway.

If in all the years since had I ever so much as heard one other teach this gospel, which is the only gospel found in scripture, then I could suppose that there are more. I have not  heard so much as a peep from any quarter about the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost honestly consistent with what scripture commands. The gospel of Christ is taken lightly by all churches not wanting to judge in the matter.  Ministers excuse people from it rather than insist upon it to honor the Lord. They do not know because they did not do it themselves. When it is done right by more than one individual a Zion must come of it when gathered together. There is no Zion.

I am saying that you can believe the promises of scripture exactly as they are given. You can come unto Christ with full purpose of heart and repent to take his name upon you acting no hypocrisy and taking no thought for your life while you seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. God will fulfill his promise if you seek it with all your heart, might, mind and strength.

Children are not taught to grow up without sin unto salvation. You did not get this when your ordinances were performed at the age of eight. There is no power manifested in the least to demonstrate otherwise. Neither do you get this degree of righteousness accepting Jesus as your personal Savior even when you surrender your all to him after the imagination of your own heart. It is not what you do, even after all you can do. It remains upon God the Father to fulfill his promise. There is no power until God is moved. What you choose to do or are invited to do at the behest of a minister is of no worth if God is not moved to fulfill his promise. The vanity of man does not work the righteousness of God.

Without knowing beforehand I was led to accomplish the gospel precisely right. I have seen the kingdom in scripture and it is only brought forth after the same manner. If you think you have tried and failed I am telling you something was amiss. I never thought for a second that I deserved it for any reason. I withheld nothing. Without a coach or minister I was brought to repent exactly right.

I was cut out of the mountain of the apostate world without hands. I have never ceased but to smite against the apostate Babylon that tramples upon the Holy One of Israel. This they do by manifold counterfeit gospels that each fail to bring forth fruit meet for the Father's kingdom and the Zion of his Christ. That fruit is the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost, whereby you are made the children of Christ and truly born of God, and given entrance and rights to the kingdom of God and made clean.

And of such God never neglects or leaves them to another. All these are taught of God. They are given line upon line and precept upon precept as they live and move and have their being in Christ, remembering him and thinking upon him without ceasing.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Darwin Only Poved Satan Was Real

Toss out a line with a really big lie on it and Satan's gonna be all over it. Up from his murky depths he took the bait and made hay while the sun shined. But the time is fast approaching when the devil must pull the ol' switcherooney . Science has proven God. Where are the headlines? This is old news among top scientists. They finally have done the math and them figures do not lie. Existence is impossible without an Eternal Organizer in command. The slightest variation in some 20 Cosmological Constants and life as we know it could not happen. And the truth hardly ends there. The Golden Ratio is found throughout creation as if it were the seal of God's handiwork.

Darwin was immediately proven wrong by the best minds of his day. Both, Luis Pasteur, who  advance germ theory and, Gregor Mendel, who discovered genes, made strides which should have defeated the seduction of evolution in the minds of the learned people of the day. Satan manifested his power which men had already taken to heart. Abraham Lincoln, who publicly anguished how both sides of the Civil War prayed to the same God was given to love Darwin's work and the psychological hold of an alternative to God was like shot out of a cannon breaking down the wall of piety that kept absolute selfishness at bay. Who will refuse confessing that self interest has ruled since?

The doubts Darwin himself had all were proven true. Every advance in science since Darwin has only proven that he was absolutely wrong. And that all the more by those striving to prove him right. Still the worm of his lie grew in the minds and hearts of academia. It is that very persistence which proves Satan's existence. This insane attachment to the lie of evolution with blind allegiance for the advancement of god-hate, seeing it only now for what it was by a rational looking back, a strong malevolent spirit of darkness rules the world.

We might excuse Darwin himself as the sophistication of Science in his day was drab indeed. But there has been no excuse for the disciplined minds of the past hundred and fifty years. Shame on them all without exception and worldwide. Okay, they were compartmentalized with their blinder on, but come on. It is heartening to see the very top scientists renouncing atheism and admitting the logical necessity of God's existence. This does not bode well for our times however. Satan will only enhance his power and that suddenly and shockingly as he will not go softly back into the night.

Thanks to these Muslims for putting together a great documentary: