Monday, January 22, 2018

How Gays Became Such

How Gays Became Such

Blogger: James Q. Muir

I would not mention this if not for a singular event which manifested at my door the same day that the last LDS president died. I would like you all to know that my Apostolic Seniority Date predates that of President What's A Who's It, by almost five years, that being June of 1979. No one seems to know much about the truth. Oh, "How arrogant," you say? Well, hold on to your hearts folks. You can say what you will, but first, just take a moment to consider what I am about to say.

I will take you back near the beginning, to that moment when Satan and his hosts rejected the plan of salvation. Why did they do that? What was coming that had them rebel? It is given that Satan wanted to exalt himself above the stars of God and be like unto the Most High. This required that he keep a fullness of his intelligence. The next estate required sexual assignment. That is why he refused. To be sexually assigned requires one to let go of that portion of his intelligence better suited to his opposite. Okay, so you have to wonder why that must be so. Can we not keep all that we are and move on? I'll get back to that in a moment.

To get into the First Estate we had to be called out from the Light of Truth and appointed independent existence by the commanding word of God the Eternal Father. But consider this, that we had to LET GO of the Light of Truth to come out to begin with. It has been said by the Lord that intelligence is eternal and cannot be created nor made. The Eternal Father is calling us into our First Estate, into independence spheres of existence. I suggest that we gave up a great deal of power to leave the Light of Truth. And it must have taken great courage and faith on our part, as it is not in Gods economy to force us out.  You can find a reference to this in Doctrine and Covenants Section 93. We were all appointed to the independent sphere of human. And so were all things made independent appointed their own spheres, severally, according to the will of God. By the Word of his power alone all creation was given an independent sphere of existence by our Great Creator. And furthermore it was all three of the Godhead who in concert performed this act. They each are and can be called the Eternal Father, or The Father of Lights. Because light is what we still were. There were no bodies in which to dwell, only independent spheres of light according to the appointment of our God. Sometimes these spheres of light manifest even in this world as what many want to believe to be UFOs. They can really move. And together they can matrix great deceptions. (I digress)

As independent intelligence there was nothing male nor female about us. Sexuality would be assigned when spirit bodies were provided by an exalted couple who have the continuation of the seeds both in the world and out of the world. You may profit to note in creation scripture that there are two times Adam and Eve were commanded to multiply and replenish what was called the earth in both the spiritual and physical worlds. Having first exhausted all possible conception in the Spirit World is why Eve needed to have her conceptions multiplied after the fall. And further why those new conceptions were no more spiritual but became physical. From exaltation to exaltation, the continuation of the seeds is what those who are 'called' gods do. And because they do continue both in the world and out of the world they are like unto God who also continues on his One Eternal Round; as Jesus told the Jews in John Chapter 6, 'what and if you shall see the son of man ascend up to where he was before,' meaning: sitting upon the very throne of his power. As this earth will be Christ's when the city of God is brought here, as recorded in John's Book of Revelation. That mystery is a story to be unfolded another day.

Certainly many members and leaders of the LDS community have some notions about the pre-existence. My understanding has been more comprehensive over thirty years after my earnest and full time study and research from 1979 to 1984. I was found nearly every day in the LDS Church Historical Library.  That was given me to do at great cost to me personally, as there were none to help. My apostleship was not made known to the leadership of the LDS Church. I was called and SENT by the commanding voice of God and not of men. There was a great work appointed unto me for the welfare of much of these United States of America, as I was led to live and work in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania in March of 1979. Power was put upon me and I made good use of it when the time came.

Getting back to the point of this effort; Satan refused to be made less by taking upon himself a sexually assigned spirit body. WHY? Because it was the will of God that we deny some degree of our intelligence and forsake it at heart, SO THAT WE MIGHT BE ATTRACTED TO THE OPPOSITE SEX. To become one with the opposite sex we had to create a need and make room for that union. This sacrifice was required to actually invent as it were, or create the possibility of LOVE. We would be attracted to the opposite sex instinctively feeling the desire to embrace what we gave up. How cool is that?

Satan knew that he could never vie God, to be like him, if he were made less. God is NOT a sexual being. He does all things by the word of his power. The Godhead is presented as male even though they expresses both male and female attributes relative to the different stations of their Eternal Round of a course. As the Christ the female is more expressed in the suffering and sacrifice of giving all to the will of the Father and thereby make possible the conception of  the children of God in the born again gospel of a new heart from God. This presently is beside the point being made here. But just so you get some idea of it all.

You wonder then how is it God is Love is he is never lessened and made to crave being complete. Of course he is incomplete from all he allows to go out into independence. All that is separated from the Light of Truth comes out from him. It is one great whole. And God yearns for a perfect union in all that is created and given independence. Not just with those made in his image and likeness, but with all that is. And who can comprehend the felicity of God embracing all of his creation that he has drawn out as a whole to manifest his glory?

So here is the point towards why gay people happen. At heart they refused to give up that degree of intelligence required to align themselves as male or female once born by the continuation of the seeds into their Second Estate. Does the attitude to resist manifest in a resentment towards the opposite sex? Does a predisposition come through from one estate to the next? Is there a forgetting in being born into a Second Estate? Does anyone assimilate their assigned sexuality perfectly? I do not know. And yet  the proof in the gay pudding is how shallow their capacity to love actually is.  They do not bond well. Relationships barely last. Bonds between men and women have less and less to boast. The world is winding down too fast.

Back in the First Estate, a full one third of all the human hosts of independent beings called out of the  Light of Truth refused what God commanded. It is no wonder that so many others kept the same disposition into their Second Estate. It translates as well into how weak even male/female bonds can be. Like, nobody is perfect.

And now consider how few in this life will obey God and lay down their life in THIS world as commanded in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thus are we commanded that we might be conceived the children of God and given a new creation and heart from God. By all three of the Great God we become the sons and daughters of the Highest, by the will of the Father and in the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Ghost. Having an eternal connection with God through the gifts and powers of the Holy Ghost. We are bonded again with God. And to make room for a greater desire to bond with God our soul must forsake the things of this world. Interesting mechanics at work here.

Gays in the Church would be a moot point if the commandments were adhered to and one was required to lay down their life in this world to take up a new creation in the gospel of Jesus Christ. But since money grubbing sycophancy is the rule of the present LDS leadership they have corrupted the purposes of God, forcing Zion out from any and all possibility, accepting excellence and the abundance of Babylon for the sake of greed and to honor themselves in the eyes of all the people,  defying the Lord who commanded them.

Is there no hope then for crossed souls who came into this life confused and at odds with eternal purposes? God forbid.  We are allowed our weakness that we might be  humbled, and his grace is sufficient for all who come into this world. Come unto Christ and take his name upon you with full purpose of heart, letting go of the Natural Man and see what God may do. But this act of being truly born of God is so rare among all the children of men that few ever do so repent, as if none seek God. And given the day of our present age that justifies an act of self-identification as a protected right it does not hold out any great hope that we shall ever see anyone once gay become a true saint, having been wrought upon and cleansed and made a new gospel creature. Would love to see it though.

Nobody has to agree with any of this. It is the best truth I can presently muster in this regard. I could not care less if this assists the LDS community. I put it out there for gay folks to consider a broader aspect of how things happen. God did not make anyone gay. Neither did he make Satan and his hosts devils. But what is possible does happen. See you to that.