Some say you got it right if miracles are happening and angels visit and you see Christ and you are fed up with LDS hypocrisy and especially the spiritually dead LDS leadership. So they shout down the status quo with their new arrogance. The Denver Snuffer remake of holier than thousism is simply unaware of their great error. Why? Because they are the same ol' hypocrisy that they decry where the natural man SAYS but will not DO according to that which is written. So they reach beyond the mark to miracles and angels and seeing Christ.....oh, sure you do.
Here it one and all. There is only one gospel and it is not done right by picking the fruits thereof. That is a slight of hand priestcraft silliness of heart seeking to fool people and flatter the joiners as if by accepting a supposed NEW look at hypocrisy it is now the new righteousness. The working of the gospel formula commanded by Jesus Christ of all who would come unto him agreeably to his call is simple and well spoken of in all scripture. The problem is nobody will do it. They use all manner of smoke and mirrors to distort perceptions and come off righteous when they are not.
I have testified of the plain gospel over forty years and have sadly noted people just do not care. But here it is again made plain that none need error. No man can come unto Christ RIGHT unless the Father draws him. So find that drawing of the Father and follow it. Desire it will all your heart that it may be given you. Do not presume your own agenda. You will know that you are being drawn to come unto Christ when:
1. You forsake the world seeking a connection with a higher power.
2. You take NO thought for your life while seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
3. You continue with one accord to subject your whole soul, heart, might, mind and strength to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ with full purpose of heart. Meaning the quest is planted deep in your heart and it is in all your thoughts all the day long.
4. You repent of all your littleness of heart tied to your lusts of this world.
5. Proving your determination to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ the covenant will come into your mind to accept in the varied depths of humility. Agree and accept the name of Christ put upon you in this covenant put to you by the Spirit. The gospel is being administered to you by God who is about to conceive you his own seed. You must agree to this change coming upon you by faith in Christ's redemption and salvation and sanctification.
6. You are visited with fire and the baptism of the Holy Ghost which manifests the Father and his Almighty power to change you and make of you a new creature subject to his kingdom and in the name of Jesus Christ.
7.You will live and move and have your being ever after in the kingdom of God. You will testify of Christ and rejoice in your salvation continually. You will own gifts and abilities suddenly put upon you and revelations will be teaching you of the Father day to day.
Exceptional experiences when this event is compressed into a moment's time is recorded in scripture and can happen. But these days are more complex and purposefully crowded with overlaying conflicts of our day and age blocking a pure faith and a striving is more usual for coming unto Christ and distilling your soul to purify your faith and intent.
If this is not your experience then you are not Christ's and have no lot nor part in the kingdom of God and the gates of Zion shall be shut before you. If the minister of your present gospel is not seeking to bring you unto Christ as the scriptures command and show, well, you know what that means.