Been at it more than forty years and nary a nibble fishing for Zion among those directly charged with bringing it forth and establishing it. WHY?
Look at the history of Zion. The antediluvian Zion was a refuge from the wanton destruction of all believers as evidenced by Enoch having to miraculously defend his city. And as further evidenced by the fact that all saints who received the gospel after the City of Enoch was taken, were also taken off the earth proper. The world was filled with violence and most of that came at those who dared to forsake the world I suspect.
After the flood Melchizedek gathered those who refused to build the tower of Babel and supposedly his city was taken too, as Abraham was left to wander as a stranger in a strange land, much like Noah.
The Jaredites have no history of attaining Zion notwithstanding a few righteous kings. You would think someone like Mahonri Moriancummer would convince a few to get the gospel right. He moved a mountain, yet no Zion.
The Book of Mormon conversions of the people of King Benjamin and the Reformation of Alma and the sons of Mosiah never attained Zion. Which is evidenced by how quickly the believers slipped into wickedness.
The Jews who believe on Christ who were visited of Christ after him rising from the dead were coached sufficiently to open the door to Zion and seemingly attempted it per Peter's economical collective. But that was short lived. The Gentiles never got close to a Zion and the gospel "petered" out rather quickly regardless of its strong legacy.
Perhaps most of the people of King Benjamin were faking their conversion. It is difficult to imagine that if an entire people got the gospel they lacked the drive and desire to become Zion.
Joseph had lots of fakers around him as well. The Gentiles of the Reformation always refused Zion and probably were only faking compliance to be included in what ever gain they though possible by joining with the "saints".
The Book of Mormon desolation and dramatic theophany of Christ did establish a working Zion that lasted at least two hundred years. Imagine that? What a huge dramatic set up for Zion. Where are the three Nephites? John? Why have they forsaken these days?
The Zion of our age is meant to last a thousand years.
It is also suppose to precede the end of the world and Christ is suppose to walk among Zion before he comes to Jerusalem to save them at Armageddon.
Before the end of this world only the Mark of the Beast persecution could raise the desire for a refuge and possibly persuade a few to get the power of Zion in the real gospel of Jesus Christ. If they are wise and have a clue. But from where are they going to be enlightened?
Do you see how difficult it is to accomplish the Zion heart? Ordinance cannot do it. Therefore the Mormons are sunk and completely taken out of the picture of a future Zion. They will suffer with the ungodly in the day of burning and desolation.
The economic persecution of the Beast will entirely engulf Momonism and it will cease to exist when that card is turned over if itself has not become that very Beast.......(I can image how that could happen)
Since the Lord is yet opening up his purposes it must be hoped that a few will stand up and take upon them the burden of Christ and become Zion. Why would the Lord be working toward that end if it is wholly vain?
To endure a thousand years the children of Zion must be furnished with the power of Zion absolutely. It cannot be watered down or him-hawed half-baked almost their any day now guessing themselves as good as it is possible to get. NO! Zion must be competent and fully knowledgeable as to what it is and how it is accomplished and what hinders and what defiles and what must keep it generation after generation.
Anyone today think that the LDS are closing in on such excellence towards their intended destiny? They will only get the back of the hand from punishment meet for the folly of hypocrisy.
Where or where shall Zion arise?
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Re-tool American Politics
Re-tool American Politics
Op-Ed October 3, 2012 by
James Q. Muir
The problems facing us all need
deliberate consideration to re-tool and purposefully design a political process
that best serves a nation, of the people, by the people and for the people. We
honor those patriots who originated this great nation. We owe a debt of
gratitude to those fledgling Americans who diligently secured their birthright
of a new nation and carried forward the building of a system that has lasted down
to this day.
Following all the passion and trust
and glory that has been plied into American politics we need to face the
present fact that the old tools are no longer reliable and have created an
unacceptable corruption that now plagues our daily lives. American politics is
broken and we need to fix it. This admission should rally all to rise up and
see to it, that a valid solution is developed and soon.
It is proposed therefore that the basis of all politics should
no longer be money collected into the hands of our politicians, and all the influence
that it can buy. Rather, hereafter,
the very foundation for our democracy should be put upon us and gladly borne by
all Americans rejoicing.
Politics should rest upon every man and women. We should carry
it forth and we should own it. Whoever gets elected would be obligated to us,
and to us only, and no special interest need apply.
For too long we have meekly suffered
the bullying of political machinery by the oppressiveness of vast wealth. Of
course America is all about the dreams of peaceful riches and confident security.
All the more abundantly and fairly these blessing are made secure in the
sensible safeguarding of general interests which owes it only allegiance to our
common and greater good.
If we the people own the mechanism
by which all politicians are enabled to run for office and debate and publicize
their views, by disenfranchising money from the entire process, we will have
re-tooled and invented a sensible safeguard that will long endure.
It is proposed that anyone who
desires to be elected submit to the volunteers their prospectus. From these are
chosen candidates whom the people shall sustain in open campaigning. Yeah,
that’s right, take your political parties and shove it. Thanks for nothing.
If you need a party system to hobnob and get your pet projects
into law yet lacking merit enough to persuade sufficient numbers of
congressmen, true patriots all, it is of no use to America.
A minimum amount of public service would be required of those willing
to volunteer and be certified to participate in the PRE-VOTE that chooses local
and national candidates. This insures sensible results and the anonymity of who
is voting. Collusion between
volunteers will result in loss of certification.
This rather odd step of a PRE-VOTE will avoid a circus riot of
freeloading wannabees that could waste precious resources. Every candidate
would submit credentials and have their background confidentially considered by
volunteer briefing committees in City, County, State and National elections. These
briefs prepared for all PRE-VOTE volunteers respectively. Incumbents seeking
another term must begin anew.
Since all volunteers are unknown to potential candidates no
influence could be brought to bear upon their decisions. A volunteer would keep
secret their status as a sacred duty they owe to their country.
It is proposed that the burden of
campaigning for public office be born entirely by the public. The process would
require that all reasonable costs a candidate incurs be drawn upon a National Public
Office Fund. No business by law could deny service to any candidate in good
Any private business that secures a
debt from a candidate may right off the fair amount against levied yearly
contribution requirements. Taxes! And no candidate would know who was paid or
chose to write off or who donated amounts due them for the greater good of all
It would be a crime to publicize
any donations for prominence, favor, or public relations by any business or
private person. This responsibility should be owned as a sacred honor for the
privilege of being American.
Freedom from
vapid-silver-spoon-fed-self-entitled-spoiled-brats who vaunt themselves
seriously worthy of the common trust of all Americans, who lustfully only want
to put their greedy hands and influence upon the vast resources of our great
nation would soon disappear from American politics.
Only the truest servants with
altruistic intent need apply. Patriots need only apply. We shall bear them upon
our shoulders both great and small and shout their names from the housetops and
allow those selected to refine their points of view and sell us their best
intentions, wisdom, diligence and intelligence in the general elections.
Let freedom ring aloud all the more
in a new politics sanctified by the equity of the people. What I propose need
not be exactly what happens. But let us be about re-inventing democratic
politics even if it only rolls out at last to allow us to rise from the ashes
of our impending doom. May we be resolute with the resolve that greed and very
vanity shall never brings us down again.
We must never again suffer ourselves to be harvested as if not a
people and not a nation but merely a commodity to be duped and plundered. No
never again. The residuals of this wisdom would remove wastefulness after
wastefulness from the dark underbelly of madness where trillions and trillions
of dollars have poisoned the liberty of us all.
P.O. Box 694 Bountiful,
Utah 84011

James Q. Muir
The Apocalrock Visitor Center/Books and CDs
2668 South 2000 East #210 East Millcreek,
Utah 84109
The End Of Violence. Please.
a world culture it is incumbent now to sanctify life as holy that the
taking of another life becomes absolutely unthinkable. It is the heart
and mind of us all that must be disarmed. The evil in us to think
another is worthy of death or that the taking of life is in any wise
glorious or desirable should become extinct from an enlightened culture.
If evil must remain let it remain a little less than it is now. God
help us.
Movies and games that glorify unrestrained violence
must be shunned and stopped or held liable and sued into oblivion. I
saw it when the 90's James Bond game imaged the shedding of blood on
each kill that a corner was turned in the viciousness of how we now
choose to amuse ourselves. I felt it abhorrent then as slight as that
was compared with the rampant carnage of this our culture and people
dividing into opposing sides for dramatic stimulation in so many varied
games and media productions spiked to absolute abomination.
We may be at the final crossroads in our humanity. Will it sink to the
depths prophesied of when all are killed who refuse to side with vicious
blasphemy? Is there one day left when man will feel after God and a
purposeful sanctification? Can humanism raise up mankind from the
madness? Or did the mistake of it bring the madness upon us all by
disenfranchising the mentally challenged from everyone's last refuge of
faith in God to only despair in greater agitation and confusion?
If God is for us enough to suffer for our sanctification then we are
hallowed by the intent alone and have reason enough to think better of
ourselves and of one another. Tell me how the denial of this adds to our stature
one cubit?
We may be at the final crossroads in our humanity. Will it sink to the depths prophesied of when all are killed who refuse to side with vicious blasphemy? Is there one day left when man will feel after God and a purposeful sanctification? Can humanism raise up mankind from the madness? Or did the mistake of it bring the madness upon us all by disenfranchising the mentally challenged from everyone's last refuge of faith in God to only despair in greater agitation and confusion?
If God is for us enough to suffer for our sanctification then we are hallowed by the intent alone and have reason enough to think better of ourselves and of one another. Tell me how the denial of this adds to our stature one cubit?
Friday, June 1, 2012
Who is James Q. Muir and Why is He so Important?
Muir has established The Church and Zion of Jesus Christ to teach and
administer the precise Zion intended by the Restoration of all things. At
eighteen James was drawn of the Father to come unto Christ and was truly
visited by the power of the Father and was wrought upon and cleansed by the
baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost. There was no LDS mentor or leader who
recognized this and he was put out on the fringe of LDS managed wilderness as
it were. He of necessity learned to nurture his gifts and magnify them by
ceaseless study teaching the truth of the gospel at ever opportunity. He was
valiant to keep his mind upon the things of the Lord despite the modern age and
all its demands. He was sent by a commanding direct revelation of the word of
the Lord in 1979 to the Eastern United States and given faith against nuclear
devastation. There he soon found himself in the exact location at the precise
moment in time to work what the Lord sent him to do. Soon after he became a living
apostle of Jesus Christ by direct revelation of the apostolic witness of Jesus
Christ by the power of the Holy Ghost.
next set LDS doctrine in line with Scriptural Cannon and corrected
many adolescent misunderstandings that had managed to endure from the early
days of the Church. This was accomplished at great personal cost during four
years of full time independent study. The Church
took issue with his, New Mormon Theology, but after three months of official
church probation he was allowed to marry in the temple. He soon made a favorable
impression upon President Ezra Taft Benson who read with interest his Book of
Mormon Standard of Conversion document. After President Benson was incapacitated he was excommunicated by the
Stake Presidency and High Council of the Provo Utah Stake at the behest of
President Hinckley, who had run interference on James Muir’s testimony of the
gospel for many years in their home stake of East Millcreek, giving counsel to leaders as to how best to deal with James' unsettling influence. President
Hinckley lived nearby and knew James from the time he was a little child. No one in
the Provo Stake leadership had so much as ever spoken to James before they called
him in lusting for an accusation against him, which he freely offered up by showing
them two unpublished works he had written.
James received his calling and election made sure, hearing the excellent voice declare it, four years before he was
summarily cast out of the LDS Church. He counts his excommunication as the LDS
Church’s official sin against the gospel of Jesus Christ. This the Savior
prophesied would happen in our day, when the Gentiles would be lifted up in
pride above all nations and be filled with all manner of abominations and would
sin against the gospel so that the Father would take it from among them. 3 Nephi 16.
a great comfort and to further set his heart upon seeking Zion the Lord gave
James the gift and privilege of bringing forth a musical composition of over
thirty songs and a compelling two act musical play. He was greatly astonished
to be able to finish such a work and even write the entire libretto himself. Of
this he is most grateful as is served to assuage his angst in being cast out of
the Church he had dedicated his life to serve. Never were to be heard all the
sermons he treasured up in his heart for the welfare and faith of his Mormon family.
Lord has visited him by his own voice in a great comforting revelation of his
love for all that James had endured well. To overcome the world better he took
to fast for an extended period of time. Ten days passed without food or water.
He worked at day labor constantly at the same time. After ten days he would
take a little orange juice or a sports drink each day and that was all. Still
he continued to work as a temporary day laborer sometimes having to walk over
eight miles each day chasing down orders in a warehouse job. The Lord
manifested plainly to him that he was kept alive by the gift of God and
continued until forty-three days were accomplished.
was immediately able to command a career job with the Post Office where he had
been fired from years before. This has kept his household well ever since. This was vital for the welfare of his
children as all five have now grown up in security won by faith in the Lord.
applying his faith to call forth Zion from its hiding place he has been given
the gift of a seer and prophet of, The Apocalrock. That is what he calls what
he believes to be the promised ENSIGN of the Lord lifted up here in Salt Lake
City, Utah, atop a fair mountain far from Jerusalem, as the prophet Isaiah said
and a stone cut out of the mountain without hands as the prophet Daniel spoke
Strange Act confronts the sinful Gentiles in latter-day apostasy and
great arrogance who, as fate would have it, were purposely situated here for
the Lord’s controversy of Zion to unfold in their faces. The Apocalrock ensign
is unfolding a message unto the world that brings forth a day of reckoning
against this generation that they might see the salvation of their God. Here
the Lord makes bare his holy arm in the eyes of all nations to furnish abundant
proof that God is true.
Apocalrock is a deliberate artistic composition crafted by God
without hands
in the rock formation of mostly a single mountain face. It aligns cosmically
with the tilt of the earth and the light of the Sun to reveal layered scenes of
familiar scriptural icons. It testifies of Jesus Christ and even manages to
teach his gospel in its art. Relevant new information for the present day and
age is unfolded from information seen in its sightings. So
far James has listed more than forty-eight such revelations that were here for more
than 180 years hidden in the plain sight of a people who were blind in their arrogance
and greediness to plunder a Modern Age of wonders rather than seek the Lord to
establish his righteousness.
they first loved the truth that was given them with power and a stretched out
arm they could have changed the world in unforeseen ways of righteousness to
usher in the Millennial Day. Rather they chose to make a church community after
their own image and likenesses, which peaked in the flattery of high-end
overachievers selling a standard of assumed excellence to double for assumed
has only one desire and that is to see Zion established before the Lord comes.
He knows how impossible this modern world has made the accomplishment of a true
gospel covenant. Those who seek Zion must come in at the door and stand upon
the rock of Christ or he cannot receive them unto himself. How to do this only
James has proven. He has searched diligently to try to find another voice and
another witness to the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. All have proven
false witnesses and poor vain attempts to flatter the people contrary to the
commandments of the Lord.
For a second witness the mountain of the Lord been revealed. Count it not a light thing and refuse not to lift up your eyes and see, perhaps this might heal the nations. Come swiftly and see for yourself. This too did Isaiah prophesy.
For a second witness the mountain of the Lord been revealed. Count it not a light thing and refuse not to lift up your eyes and see, perhaps this might heal the nations. Come swiftly and see for yourself. This too did Isaiah prophesy.
The Church
and Zion of Jesus Christ
Apocalrock Visitor Center
2668 South 2000 East #210
Millcreek, Utah 84109
The Church
and Zion of Jesus Christ
is looking
for a few true saints to establish Zion.
interested in learning how and who will not refuse to be meek and lowly in
heart are welcome to come and freely learn.
Come and
rejoice upon the hills to shout praises unto the Most High.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
The Smoking Gun is in The Hand of...?
Lorenzo Snow
When Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum were killed he was in Cincinnati on the campaign trail for Joseph Smith's bid for the US Presidency. How so then you say? The best evidence shows that he betrayed the secrets that got Joseph and Hyrum killed. What evidence? Evidence other than his likeness is captured for all time on The Apocalrock in two different lights their is greater evidence for him being the first of three notorious scoundrels that the Apostle Paul prophesied of in:2 Thessalonians 2:2-12
1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be
not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by
letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man
deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling
away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth
and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so
that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not,
that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye
know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery
of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be
taken out of the way.
8 And then
shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of
his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him,
whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying
10 And with
all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they
received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for
this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they
all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Timing is everything in scripture interpretation. If you compound several characters into one by taking them all together into the same time and space you got a pickle and no understanding.
When two verses follow each other it does not mean they are necessarily concurrent.
Let's break it down from a Restoration Zionist point of view. This falling away cannot be the original apostasy but another apostasy closer to the actual day of Christ. Like now! So the falling away of today occurs about the same time as this man of sin character makes the scene. Okay, since Jesus Christ condemned the LDS Church and it never recovered the falling away occurred right on top of the Restoration. How's that for concurrency?
To keep all the balls up in the air moving smoothly we need to finish the logic of all the factors of this scripture. After the man of sin and the beginning of the falling away we get the lying wonders of Satan. That is our modern industrial age. Why? Because it is based upon electricity and electricity is the power of the static charge which is the power of the air. And Satan is the prince and power of the air. So it follows that the old witch, Benjamin Franklin, was conjuring a little devil wonder by tinkling that key on the end of his kite string in a lightening storm.
Too fast, well, try and keep up. Then after our modern age of wonders that seduces everyone into the pleasure of unrighteousness another dose of strong delusion is that Wicked who is destroyed by the brightness of Christ's return. This is the beast and the false prophet who are cast into the lake of fire when Christ returns.
Okay now, Satan does not make an actual appearance. But he promotes his lying wonders to keep the world from loving the truth which came in the Restoration. He overcomes the strength of that Restoration by filling the world with his techno-marvels. And there are two helpings of strong delusion. The 666 delusions with fire called down from heaven in the sight of men which everyone is expecting to some degree. The sly one was before that. Notice it says THEN shall that Wicked be revealed. Both cannot be the same revelation as one follows the other. If it was the same revelation there is no need for THEN. That is a sequencing term. This happens THEN that happens. Space people we need space between them or we fail to understand. Our expectations will be warped and woofed.
This is how Christ comes as a thief in the night. Nobody will notice that the scriptures are already fulfilled and BANG the trumpets blast and we hear the shout.
There are a few points made by the first man of sin the son of perdition. Realize it everybody, to become a son of perdition in the last days you have to come by way of the Restoration. There is a character who faithfully attested to having been visited of God and truly wrought upon and cleansed by the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost. Yes, it is Lorenzo Snow. Now this is very peculiar, because, this man of sin had at least seventy some odd years as a Church leader and even led the United Order of Box Elder County and yet unlike, Alma, King Benjamin, Nephi, Nephi and his brother Lehi, Mormon and Moroni, Lorenzo never taught the doctrine or promoted it competently or sought after the welfare and salvation of others like these great Book of Mormon prophets. Why? I think Parley P. Pratt was also born again of fire and of the Holy Ghost for he declared it was fire in his bones and it would be easier to dig down a mountain than to ignore it. Lorenzo on the other hand who was not cut off form the living as was Apostle Pratt, Lorenzo never preached a word of it in counseling the church how to go about receiving it. As the leader of the Church's official attempt at a Zion society in Brigham City, Utah he never spoke a word to it although the sanctification of the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost is the one and only key to unlocking the power of Zion. Did Lorenzo Snow deny Christ? He certainly did deny Christ to everyone else. He withheld his knowledge and passion for the event and kept it hid from the world. He did forsake his sanctification and failed to magnify it and put it under a bushel and did not develop it or become exceeding expert at its administration.
To own it outright for himself and yet not prize it to be won by all he tramples it under foot and proves himself apostate and puts Christ to open shame thereby. So when do you suppose this started with him? I would have to guess almost immediately according to his lack of enthusiasm for it even though he went on several mission and labored all the days of his life for the "church" is seems that "church" was not going to be built upon the Rock of Salvation. But more on Lorenzo Snow's image and likeness after the manner of the world. He delivered the Restoration up to Satan. I can prove it by all the works he did until the end of his days.
The moment he took to heart to betray Christ and to defeat Joseph Smith's work he shed the innocent blood of the Martyrs. True enough he was excused comfortably from the actual deed. But the fruit of his sowed seeds bear witness to the foulness of his envy and malice.
Now we shall see how nicely he fulfills the Pauline prophecy:
4 Who opposeth
and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so
that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
As man is God once was
As God is man may be
It is supposed that Lorenzo got Joseph Smith to sign off on this couplet. Maybe. We know that Joseph Smith taught that Christ followed in the tracks of his Father and inherits what the Father did before. That God's course is one eternal round. Joseph knew that the Father had previously done elsewhere the same works that Christ had done on this earth. Even Christ witnessed that the Father had showed him those things which he (the Father) had done.
John 5:20
For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.
This is not saying that any ol' Jack of planet Z gets exalted to become the Most High God. It is saying that as Christ was Very God so was his Father Very God when each did their works. Space, remember, we need space or we will compound thoughts together and get pickles and not good doctrine. Adam is the God of this world. Yeah, sort of. He is the seed bearer in the pre-existence who fathered all those who came to dwell upon this earth and provided them with spiritual bodies and ascended above the angels to be a little g sort of god as he will also lay down his life and take it again. Exalted parents go through the Garden of Eden round of a course in the continuation of the seeds both in the world and out of the world. Meaning both spiritual and physical seeds are they to continue. Adam and Eve obeyed God and finished all the hosts thereof when all were made in heaven before their was flesh upon the earth. Before the Garden the obeyed God and so by that word of God's power in their obedience the spirit bodies were prepared before they were naturally upon the earth. Which natural existence on earth Adam and Eve kicked off and got started as was their right as they do rule over this world and the scepter is in the hand of Adam who is clothed with light for a covering and will by lot assign inheritances in Zion at Adam-ondi-ahman.
Lorenzo was wrong in the manner in which he was wont to invest his couplet. Thus he fulfilled the prophecy of opposing and exalting himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped. Did he ever sit in the temple of God showing himself that he is God. Yes. After the Latter-day Saints labored forty years to complete the magnificent Salt Lake Temple who was it that said.....ahem, excuse me, I will now take up my residence here, and thank you very much.....of course, it was Lorenzo Snow who served as the temple's first president. Rather bold and over the top we would have to say. An irresistible move for someone in defiance of Christ and robbing God of his honor to have a clean church undefiled.
With his flowing white beard and sanctified look and gesture Lorenzo Snow held sway over his latter-day kingdom that he managed to steal from God and the prophets. Secretly, yes, very secretly, a work in the dark all the way through. But he is far from done. It was Lorenzo Snow who was given a Royal Court audience in London. Wonders what the flies on the wall were privy to. We know from Revelation that Satan spewed a flood out of his mouth to carry away the virtue of the power of the Priesthood after it was Restored. This flood was the false converts who flooded into the Church from their Druid moorings in the British Isles. The evidence of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse was reported and documented by Bishop Glen Pace before the temple ordinances were altered to prevent further Satanic Ritual Abuse flashbacks of members who were so wickedly victimized as children. What were those cultists searching for? The righteous? Testing for the meek? To emasculate the valiant souls whom the Father sent into the Restoration that Zion might be established before the day of Christ? Something like that, I think. Did they get them all. I think so, nearly.
Lots more did Lorenzo do to corrupt the Restoration and set it on a footing subject to the Devil and his charter in the likeness and image of the world which is apostasy and Babylon The Great, The Whore of all the Earth. All that need made sure was that none ever get truly born again, no, never again. Not any, ever. Who could steer the entire Church away from it better than one who had betrayed the very thing itself. So without any delay he set up his Polysophical Society to gush out in flowery display all the gaiety and delights of the world for the studied interests and entertainment of the people. Not content yet Lorenzo Snow repeatedly suggested that the brethren of the priesthood wax proud in their associations and bond together in strength of themselves leaving off subjection to Christ and his purposes, and commands.
I think it sufficient as is but still there is more and the biggest prize of all. The death knell and second strike at the heart of all virtue and fidelity in Christ's Restoration of all things. The precedent was once struck before Lorenzo had sufficient strength of himself. The Mormon Thunder campaign to get all the frontier saints solidly behind their leaders was championed by President Jedidiah Grant of the First Presidency. Sustain your file leader was let out as the solitary arbiter of who will be trusted and called and chosen to become great and leaders among the people. Anyone can feign that. What manner of foolishness is this? It was a forced compliance in forged in the fear of losing control of a vastly spread out people who could have evolved independently into a monster out of control. Rather than trust in the Lord and see to it that people were truly converted by the power of the gospel, this step was taken in foolish disregard as if the saints took for granted that the gospel must be kept first and last. No they did not know that. Some did but it was never the program. It was known but not honored. A defiled and condemned Church had taken its first official step at trampling upon the Holy One of Israel in open defiance and a mix bag of apostasy and faith.
Now comes Lorenzo Snow to strike the second blow to finish the job. Money shall be forever enshrined as the burning testament of who is faithful and who is flagging. Money can be stolen to pay this graft if need be. What manner of evil is this? Get connections and trust and insidership and fellowship and callings and steps up and grooming and bonding with the great for filthy lucre?
That would seal the doom of the Gentile second attempt to get the gospel. The first is last and the last is first. This is the signature of Christ in all things that he does. The Gentiles got it second and then they got it first in the end of days. Now the House of Israel will get it last who got it first from the days of the Patriarchs.
The LDS Church is dead and has been for a long time. Only its arrogance refuses to admit it. Just like in Ancient Israel amidst apostasy and many deaths life can creep back into it from the cracks and crevasses where the Lord will do his own work. As an institution it is finished. Fallen in the dust and gone a whoring after the world to fulfill all the lusts of the last day's fullness that abounds.
I have written this up many times before. I got excommunicated September 15, 1991 mostly about my writing this in an unpublished paper that I volunteered when called in to an excommunication provocation where not a single man in the Stake Presidency or High Council knew me personally or had before ever spoken to me. It was a summary judgment meted out at whose behest? I know. Who cares He's dead now, anyways and I am just getting started.
I did not think this subject would ever become part of The Apocalrock revelations. It is always a surprise and a wonder that makes me laugh and clap my hands for joy. What a Strange Act. And if I may say, who is going to believe it, though a man declares it unto you?
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