Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Smoking Gun is in The Hand of...?

Lorenzo Snow

When Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum were killed he was in Cincinnati on the campaign trail for Joseph Smith's bid for the US Presidency. How so then you say? The best evidence shows that he betrayed the secrets that got Joseph and Hyrum killed. What evidence? Evidence other than his likeness is captured for all time on The Apocalrock in two different lights their is greater evidence for him being the first of three notorious scoundrels that the Apostle Paul prophesied of in:

2 Thessalonians 2:2-12

1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
  2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
  3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
  4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
  5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
  6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
  7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
  8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
  9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
  10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
  11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
  12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

     Timing is everything in scripture interpretation. If you compound several characters into one by taking them all together into the same time and space you got a pickle and no understanding.
When two verses follow each other it does not mean they are necessarily concurrent.
     Let's break it down from a Restoration Zionist point of view. This falling away cannot be the original apostasy but another apostasy closer to the actual day of Christ. Like now! So the falling away of today occurs about the same time as this man of sin character makes the scene. Okay, since Jesus Christ condemned the LDS Church and it never recovered the falling away occurred right on top of the Restoration. How's that for concurrency? 
     To keep all the balls up in the air moving smoothly we need to finish the logic of all the factors of this scripture. After the man of sin and the beginning of the falling away we get the lying wonders of Satan. That is our modern industrial age. Why? Because it is based upon electricity and electricity is the power of the static charge which is the power of the air. And Satan is the prince and power of the air. So it follows that the old witch, Benjamin Franklin, was conjuring a little devil wonder by tinkling that key on the end of his kite string in a lightening storm. 
     Too fast, well, try and keep up. Then after our modern age of wonders that seduces everyone into the pleasure of unrighteousness another dose of strong delusion is that Wicked who is destroyed by the brightness of Christ's return. This is the beast and the false prophet who are cast into the lake of fire when Christ returns. 
     Okay now, Satan does not make an actual appearance. But he promotes his lying wonders to keep the world from loving the truth which came in the Restoration. He overcomes the strength of that Restoration by filling the world with his techno-marvels. And there are two helpings of strong delusion. The 666 delusions with fire called down from heaven in the sight of men which everyone is expecting to some degree. The sly one was before that. Notice it says THEN shall that Wicked be revealed. Both cannot be the same revelation as one follows the other. If it was the same revelation there is no need for THEN. That is a sequencing term. This happens THEN that happens. Space people we need space between them or we fail to understand. Our expectations will be warped and woofed.
     This is how Christ comes as a thief in the night. Nobody will notice that the scriptures are already fulfilled and BANG the trumpets blast and we hear the shout.
     There are a few points made by the first man of sin the son of perdition. Realize it everybody, to become a son of perdition in the last days you have to come by way of the Restoration. There is a character who faithfully attested to having been visited of God and truly wrought upon and cleansed by the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost. Yes, it is Lorenzo Snow. Now this is very peculiar, because, this man of sin had at least seventy some odd years as a Church leader and even led the United Order of Box Elder County and yet unlike, Alma, King Benjamin, Nephi, Nephi and his brother Lehi, Mormon and Moroni, Lorenzo never taught the doctrine or promoted it competently or sought after the welfare and salvation of others like these great Book of Mormon prophets. Why? I think Parley P. Pratt was also born again of fire and of the Holy Ghost for he declared it was fire in his bones and it would be easier to dig down a mountain than to ignore it. Lorenzo on the other hand who was not cut off form the living as was Apostle Pratt, Lorenzo never preached a word of it in counseling the church how to go about receiving it. As the leader of the Church's official attempt at a Zion society in Brigham City, Utah he never spoke a word to it although the sanctification of the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost is the one and only key to unlocking the power of Zion. Did Lorenzo Snow deny Christ? He certainly did deny Christ to everyone else. He withheld his knowledge and passion for the event and kept it hid from the world. He did forsake his sanctification and failed to magnify it and put it under a bushel and did not develop it or become exceeding expert at its administration. 
     To own it outright for himself and yet not prize it to be won by all he tramples it under foot and proves himself apostate and puts Christ to open shame thereby. So when do you suppose this started with him? I would have to guess almost immediately according to his lack of enthusiasm for it even though he went on several mission and labored all the days of his life for the "church" is seems that "church" was not going to be built upon the Rock of Salvation. But more on Lorenzo Snow's image and likeness after the manner of the world. He delivered the Restoration up to Satan. I can prove it by all the works he did until the end of his days.
     The moment he took to heart to betray Christ and to defeat Joseph Smith's work he shed the innocent blood of the Martyrs. True enough he was excused comfortably from the actual deed. But the fruit of his sowed seeds bear witness to the foulness of his envy and malice.
     Now we shall see how nicely he fulfills the Pauline prophecy:

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

As man is God once was
As God is man may be

It is supposed that Lorenzo got Joseph Smith to sign off on this couplet. Maybe. We know that Joseph Smith taught that Christ followed in the tracks of his Father and inherits what the Father did before. That God's course is one eternal round. Joseph knew that the Father had previously done elsewhere the same works that Christ had done on this earth. Even Christ witnessed that the Father had showed him those things which he (the Father) had done.

John 5:20
20 For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.

This is not saying that any ol' Jack of planet Z gets exalted to become the Most High God. It is saying that as Christ was Very God so was his Father Very God when each did their works. Space, remember, we need space or we will compound thoughts together and get pickles and not good doctrine. Adam is the God of this world. Yeah, sort of. He is the seed bearer in the pre-existence who fathered all those who came to dwell upon this earth and provided them with spiritual bodies and ascended above the angels to be a little g sort of god as he will also lay down his life and take it again. Exalted parents go through the Garden of Eden round of a course in the continuation of the seeds both in the world and out of the world. Meaning both spiritual and physical seeds are they to continue. Adam and Eve obeyed God and finished all the hosts thereof when all were made in heaven before their was flesh upon the earth. Before the Garden the obeyed God and so by that word of God's power in their obedience the spirit bodies were prepared before they were naturally upon the earth. Which natural existence on earth Adam and Eve kicked off and got started as was their right as they do rule over this world and the scepter is in the hand of Adam who is clothed with light for a covering and will by lot assign inheritances in Zion at Adam-ondi-ahman.

      Lorenzo was wrong in the manner in which he was wont to invest his couplet. Thus he fulfilled the prophecy of opposing and exalting himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped. Did he ever sit in the temple of God showing himself that he is God. Yes. After the Latter-day Saints labored forty years to complete the magnificent Salt Lake Temple who was it that said.....ahem, excuse me, I will now take up my residence here, and thank you very much.....of course, it was Lorenzo Snow who served as the temple's first president. Rather bold and over the top we would have to say. An irresistible move for someone in defiance of Christ and robbing God of his honor to have a clean church undefiled.  
     With his flowing white beard and sanctified look and gesture Lorenzo Snow held sway over his latter-day kingdom that he managed to steal from God and the prophets. Secretly, yes, very secretly, a work in the dark all the way through. But he is far from done. It was Lorenzo Snow who was given a Royal Court audience in London. Wonders what the flies on the wall were privy to. We know from Revelation that Satan spewed a flood out of his mouth to carry away the virtue of the power of the Priesthood after it was Restored. This flood was the false converts who flooded into the Church from their Druid moorings in the British Isles. The evidence of Satanic Ritual Child Abuse was reported and documented by Bishop Glen Pace before the temple ordinances were altered to prevent further Satanic Ritual Abuse flashbacks of members who were so wickedly victimized as children. What were those cultists searching for? The righteous? Testing for the meek? To emasculate the valiant souls whom the Father sent into the Restoration that Zion might be established before the day of Christ? Something like that, I think. Did they get them all. I think so, nearly.
     Lots more did Lorenzo do to corrupt the Restoration and set it on a footing  subject to the Devil and his charter in the likeness and image of the world which is apostasy and Babylon The Great, The Whore of all the Earth. All that need made sure was that none ever get truly born again, no, never again. Not any, ever. Who could steer the entire Church away from it better than one who had betrayed the very thing itself. So without any delay he set up his Polysophical Society to gush out in flowery display all the gaiety and delights of the world for the studied interests and entertainment of the people. Not content yet Lorenzo Snow repeatedly suggested that the brethren of the priesthood wax proud in their associations and bond together in strength of themselves leaving off subjection to Christ and his purposes, and commands.
     I think it sufficient as is but still there is more and the biggest prize of all. The death knell and second strike at the heart of all virtue and fidelity in Christ's Restoration of all things. The precedent was once struck before Lorenzo had sufficient strength of himself. The Mormon Thunder campaign to get all the  frontier saints solidly behind their leaders was championed by President Jedidiah Grant of the First Presidency. Sustain your file leader was let out as the solitary arbiter of who will be trusted and called and chosen to become great and leaders among the people. Anyone can feign that. What manner of foolishness is this? It was a forced compliance in forged in the fear of losing control of a vastly  spread out people who could have evolved independently into a monster out of control. Rather than trust in the Lord and see to it that people were truly converted by the power of the gospel, this step was taken in foolish disregard as if the saints took for granted that the gospel must be kept first and last. No they did not know that.  Some did but it was never the program. It was known but not honored. A defiled and condemned Church had taken its first official step at trampling upon the Holy One of Israel in open defiance and a mix bag of apostasy and faith. 
    Now comes Lorenzo Snow to strike the second blow to finish the job. Money shall be forever enshrined as the burning testament of who is faithful and who is flagging. Money can be stolen to pay this graft if need be. What manner of evil is this? Get connections and trust and insidership and fellowship and callings and steps up and grooming and bonding with the great for filthy lucre?
That would seal the doom of the Gentile second attempt to get the gospel. The first is last and the last is first. This is the signature of Christ in all things that he does. The Gentiles got it second and then they got it first in the end of days. Now the House of Israel will get it last who got it first from the days of the Patriarchs.
     The LDS Church is dead and has been for a long time. Only its arrogance refuses to admit it. Just like in Ancient Israel amidst apostasy and many deaths life can creep back into it from the cracks and crevasses where the Lord will do his own work. As an institution it is finished. Fallen in the dust and gone a whoring after the world to fulfill all the lusts of the last day's fullness that abounds.
     I have written this up many times before. I got excommunicated September 15, 1991 mostly about my writing this in an unpublished paper that I volunteered when called in to an excommunication provocation where not a single man in the Stake Presidency or High Council knew me personally or had before ever spoken to me. It was a summary judgment meted out at whose behest? I know. Who cares He's dead now, anyways and I am just getting started.
     I did not think this subject would ever become part of The Apocalrock revelations. It is always a surprise and a wonder that makes me laugh and clap my hands for joy. What a Strange Act.  And if I may say, who is going to believe it, though a man declares it unto you?

Who do  you see? I see a man who always showed fear in his eyes. Now its a black gun he holding.

1 comment:

  1. God (in the Heavens) used the Holy Spirit and impregnated (Rain/semen) the Holy Mother (Mother Earth) which gives the world life. The holy trinity is nothing more than the ancients perception of the water cycle. If you carefully examine the Bible it becomes apparent it's an esoteric book full of secret occult symbolisms.

    Consequently, God in the Old Testament is nothing more than a Volcano. Read the descriptions carefully in Deuteronomy and Exodus. He is a pillar of fire by the night, pillar of clouds by the day, makes trumpet noises, shakes the earth, and Moses' face is always extremely sun-tanned after visiting him. (See here ) That is an accurate ancient record of an active volcano. Nothing more, nothing less. In time these Hebrews must have anthromorphized this "Deity" of theirs just like other pagan people have been known to do.

    The Hebrew concept of God is anything but original, the Egyptian monotheistic and henotheistic cult of Atenism predates the Mosaic religion by centuries. Where did the Hebrews come from? Egypt. What does Israel mean? Isis Rah El. Were the original Israelites monotheists? Most scholars would argue no. In fact even the Bible hints at a henotheistic (note: just like Atenism, their father faith) belief system.

    But anyways, as you can see, it's all ancient occult symbolism that has been badly misinterpreted by non-Gnostic Christians. And it's being used by the powers that be to bring in a new world order.

    Joseph Smith was an adherent to the Gnostic school ( )and in the classic Gnostic tradition, he made a story (BoM) to reveal secret occult messages to those who wish to hear them. You have people who spend a lifetime researching physical evidence for the BoM but fail miserably to find anything worth noting. That's because they are taking an esoteric, analogy of a book as a literal interpretation. Complete nonsense. And the LDS church goes along with it.

    There is nothing holy about Rome, Vatican, Salt Lake City, or Jerusalem. It's all just primitive man's (the layman) misunderstanding of the holy occultic scriptures that have been handed down to them. And now the rulers of this world (Reptilians, known in the bible as demons. In the koran as jinn.) are taking advantage of everything.

    Peace be with you and check out a few of these videos:
